Birth Companion


Discover the benefits of having a birthing companion’s guidance.

A doula is a trained birth professional, here to provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational support throughout your pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. We’re here to assist birthing families in making informed decisions and to celebrate this new journey in life.


Prenatal Doula

Fees will be quoted during consultation.

Our services are to provide non-medical support to birthing parents. We approach this experience with an understanding of the physiology of birth and in keeping your needs met. We’ll assist you with gaining the knowledge required to make the best informed decisions for your pregnancy.

Postpartum Doula

Fees will be quoted during consultation.

As a postpartum doula, we offer emotional and physical support. We supply evidence-based information, companionship during family adjustments, assistance with newborn care, meal prep and light household tidying. We provide referrals as needed to ensure the health of yourself and baby.


Fees will be quoted during consultation.

The objective of Hypnobirthing is to reduce anxiety throughout the birthing process. It is a calm approach to childbirth, wherein self-soothing breathing and relaxation techniques, guided meditation and visualization are utilized to help birthing parents remain at peace throughout labor and delivery.

Prenatal Relief Massage

*A doctor’s note of permission and the conclusion of your 1st trimester are required before performing this service.

90 Mins | $150

Our nurturing massage aims to alleviate pregnancy-induced aches and pains. We utilize bolsters and support cushions to maximize your comfort.

Infant, Child Massage

90 Mins | $120

Massage is more than a form of relaxation. For infants and children, massage enhances circulation, improves sleep and digestive function, and boosts well-being via stress reduction. Long-term effects of massage for babies and children include positive mental and physical development.

Postpartum Bodywork

60 Mins | $50 — Meditation
60 Mins | $125 — Bodywork

Postpartum Bodywork aids in the process of balancing hormones and releasing endorphins, allowing for more restful sleep, relief from new parent stress or post-pregnancy trauma, and to support one's emotional state.

Healing Touch, Babies

90 Min | $120

Healing Touch, or HT, is a therapy in which we direct energy by using very light or close-to-skin “touch” to promote health and healing. For babies, it can optimize a preemie's growth, accelerate healing and enhance the bonding process.